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A few of our findings

Writer: hcqwarriorprincesshcqwarriorprincess

I don't believe in shedding have been around vaccinated and feel nothing come off them I do believe this is more fear porn ....i see their health declining that is all ....if u believe something is gonna make u ill it will if u tell some one enuf times they look poorly they end up feeling poorly - this is manifesting at its worst and all this has been about psychological warfare

I honestly don't feel anything off the vaccinated, but I do hear about it cud easily be all the nasty chemicals put into our food and drink from the corporate

But also evolving means change and we've been conditioned to think change is bad when not all the time it is

With regards to shedding, there is info going round re teas to help, I know that a lot of teas have pg in them and lots of other hidden chemicals- best to make your own, I don't trust corporate for hiding nasty chemicals in stuff they put a lot of effort into this

The last 2 big trends especially amongst those who are awake were green tea and kale which are both v high in flouride .....who do you think sets the trends and sells the stuff corporate, it could quite easily be them setting off chinese whispers about shedding so they can get more nasty chemicals into you and make you feel ill which helps their story on shedding

And those trends were focused on the awake community ....there's lots of sneaky shit going on and u gotta be aware of who you are going against

Sweeteners is another one soooo bad and they put it in everything, the only time me and juicy have ever argued is when we've accidentally had sweeteners it affects your mood tricks your body into thinking its gonna have sugar and when it doesn't receive sugar it doesn't like it ....and that then echoes into peoples emotions why people are so angry and argumentative etc etc its the frustration coming out of them

Back in the day when i was a kid when there was only sugar no one was as uptight or argumentative or frustrated or over weight really either

Now when there's sweeteners everywhere in everything even in sugary drinks and everyone's emotions are so much more heightened etc etc

Its good to be aware of corporate doing all this putting as much nasty chemicals in our food and drink as poss xx

Fear porn causes stress which can cause womens periods into disarray ..... and if your not sitting in your pyramid with sage constantly burning and every crystal under the sun around you your not protected lol.......OCD madness and complete lack of your own power of your thoughts and mind.



Jun 03, 2021

Hi Pink Pirate, we are all with you in these difficult times however we must trust in what we believe is right for us. we all have a difficult path to tread but we are strong and we have to uphold the light, I’m like you married for 42 years and my husband n family think I’m a crackpot but I’m ok with that cos I know the truth in my heart and I’m doing it for all our children and grandchildren of the whole world, the answer is love and light and to keep positive . I listen to a lady call Lorrie Ladd on utube and she really opens you up to differing views in the present situation…


Jun 02, 2021

My heart goes out to you really are not alone even in your saddest moments. If you’re anywhere in Norfolk we could meet up for a cuppa ( not tea though 🙄🤗) stay strong and know in your heart that change is on it’s way


Jun 01, 2021

Sorry you’re feeling like this , thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings though , you are definitely not alone , I think a lot of us have gone through this at some point with family and friends, I hope everything improves soon for you , sending good wishes your way ❤️


I love all of you who spoke to me here in the comments section. Thankyou for your time to be so kind and with wise counsel. One day I hope we meet I'll make you yummy food and have a hug and a cup of tea.

Jun 02, 2021
Replying to

Just a little by note ..I took the plunge 2months ago and walked away from a marriage of 22yrs ..not for another person/ relationship but fir my own spiritual well being ( my son decided to stay with his dad which was hard) and I am currently living in a small summerhouse (shed 😂) in my dads garden ..very few possessions other than my treasured Jack luckily surrounded by nature and am able fir the first time to really start working on me!! Has been very emotional and difficult at times but I know it had to happen ..interestingly my husband has now started to look after his own health and spiritual well being since I left..we didn’t bring…


My dear Pink Pirate, please know that you are not alone, even if it seem like it, we can all relate Im pretty sure. It is very hard and I understand , cause sometime we do need that physical presence near to us( to make it more real :) ) , not just virtual, we are spread all around the world , we are the ones holding light , for others , we are the one supporting each other , virtually also, went one is feeling down , we pick up, we send them all the light and love and healing , it will reach you, listend , it will , your soul will let you know, to ho…

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