This is making me cry what an amazing guy to help share this knowledge and am soooo glad we started smoking again wow
It also shows why the med industry have upped their game in getting people to quit smoking the last 10 years with those photos on fag packets and all the patches and sprays and gum and everything else
Snake venom attacks your ability to taste and smell sometimes for a year !!!
And theres 19 parts to snake venom = co v id 19
Wtaf 🤯🤯🤯🤯
Omfg Latin definition of virus means venom and corona is crown or king - king cobra venom 🤯🤯🤯

I got bitten by a snake once, when I was approx 18 yrs old. Nothing happened, went to hospital, they watched me overnight then 5am I was out of there, they reckon it was probably non venomous. I never had a great sense of smell though (before and after). Most smells for me are very feint, it seems like other people's sense of smell is much stronger than mine. However funnily enough, my nose seems to really pick up on (and really dislike) certain smells which happen to be associated with harmful things. In other words, if it smells bad to me, I'm out of there, it's probably going to be a harmful situation if I stay there.