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Writer's picturehcqwarriorprincess

Be mindful of all options

Just be mindful that these people have got all the top bods telling em how to play with your psyche bringing u up getting u all excited and then crashing u down with disappointment- they arent stupid

As long a as u innerstand that it stops them draining from you

We hope it's not the case but u have to be prepared that it might be xx

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3 comentários

Robin Campbell
Robin Campbell
07 de out. de 2021

I didn't know where to post this, but I wasn't sure if you were aware of this! You know how ivermectin is being touted around as a healing modality or a preventative lately. Now mainstream is starting to support it. I think I might know why...

nigel r Mitchell
nigel r Mitchell
07 de out. de 2021
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It's hard to comment on what you've posted. If it works and cures you from an illness that you believe threatens your life, by all means try it. Until humans truly understand that health is wealth and start to take care of what they put into their bodies, they will take all sorts of shite from pharmaceutical companies who's only loyalty is to financial profit. Pfizer's profits went through the roof with the vaccine sales, yet their greed will never to be satiated, they are patenting a near clone of Ivermectin as an oral cure to increase their market share. They honestly don't give a fuck about you. There are cures for many diseases that are purposely not produced because…

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