You imagine this .... there is a system in place which needs chemtrails emfs frequencies radio waves all of it and somewhere (wherever) there is a central hub of control thats been used against us, you cud say its a type of AI computer which uses all of these communications cell towers everything to modify the weather for wrong, but obviously it doesn't work without the chemtrails, they call it 'The Cloud' so if we connect to their chemtrails that gives us access as a route straight into their mainframe to go through on an energetic level we can reverse engineer their tech by pushing our frequency thru the chemtrail thru their system into their AI hub which then we can reprogram that hub for healing and repair frequencies which then go back out thru their system into their chemtrails to do good cuz thats all their doing to us but for harm, we have to use their system against them, reprogram it with our frequencies not theirs, and once our system starts working against them theyve lost and nature can get back to what it shud beSo we either sit underneath them in fear yet again of what theyre doing to us, or we thank them for their chemtrails and use it for healing and repair, so now them cloud formations aren't beaming down negative energies, theyre now beaming down positive healing and repair energies, this wud soooooo fuck them up all their agendas control illnesses everythingAnd not just that, all the negative stuff theyve been doing to the planet and peoples animals plants, they can now suffer the consequences of that personally, all of them as it was never our problem, it was theirs so they can have it, they can own it on an energetic level and a physical level, and thats how we get rid of them, every time they do something for wrong they feel it, the more they do, the more they feel, its easyDont forget there is companies out there that boast about this technology online and theyve got public liability insurances cuz they say its environmentally safe when in fact its been causing harm and injury so they are liableFind the companies and put a claim in, no lawyer/solicitor needed you can file a personal injury claim yourself cuz dont forget they talk about climate change and these people are working for the governments to push thru climate change agendas so there is your loss and harm and injuryWeve done a podcast on it, and am just waiting for the links before we share it far and wide on our platforms forget if you've had your house flooded due to rain hurricanes tornadoes floods extreme cold drought etc etc etc these companies are liable and lets face it on a global scale all their modifications that they say are safe and effective are obviously not working due to the above, famines food shortages etc etc so why wud these governments allow these companies to advertise that its safe and effective, where is the evidence of this its to the contrary
