Morning all I see everything is back to normal this them trying to pretend something is happening cuz money means nothing to them they can print however much they want
I wish it werent but it feels like more of the bollox
Are they now feeding off everyones disappointment
Stopping the jabs in schools surely is more important than taking facebook down
They seem to have their priorities the wrong way round if there is such a thing as white hats ....were still not convinced
I wish there was an organisation called the white hats doing the right thing but am still not seeing it anywhere
Maybe were more weary cuz of the banking thing where no one came on our side or helped even our solicitor didn't wanna get involved
Dont wait to be saved it's a case of doing this ourselves and then u know summat is being done
These people have been playing this game for a long time
They wudnt lose any money theyd have insurances offsetting all that xx
I feel we have won because Love always wins. This is the long game though, they never go quietly. Our greatest advantage is their under estimation of us. They think we are powerless to their dictates, calling them laws or rules or mandates. I ain't never been on a man date, I love women...They think we are laughing because we are stupid, bless 'em, they will be left with no-one to govern soon, then they will throw their toys out of the pram. I heard one of those politicians say "what's a pikey?" hahahahaha, you will know soon enough. Love to the code and remember the fuck it letter. Nigel of tunnelmental.
You're right on guys! Their loosing control and trying anything to steal their chance at eternity! They can't believe they've lost. But we can! Don't fall for their illusion of winning! They are looosers! Hang in there J&L where at the finish line baby! Love you guys! Keep Rockin' The Boat!