Have received this feedback from our podcast and just had to share it, and the lady kindly agreed
just had some lovely feedback re our latest podcast just had to share - the lady kindly agreed
OK I've just finished listening to the video - I am now thinking with my eyes & it feels so natural & made perfect sense to me I love "the many to the one" now not the one to the many ooh if we could all go together and not come back that bit made me want to cry so beautiful I already said it but it just hit me again listening to how calm and focused Juicy was in this & it made me feel he felt somehow undermined in other videos so the message didn't come through - Lucy you always came across strongly but Juicy seemed to be cut down a lot as a result listening to this last video I understood it so much better - things made sense but in the past because of the atmosphere I found it confusing. I am so happy to feel I have taken it all in so much easier on the other channel it didn't make much sense. So thanks again to you both I'm so happy to hear you guys properly AT LAST I'd love the after show chat
honest I was blown away at the difference in how I took everything in - and especially how different juicy was he seemed so much calmer .. Mark and jc used to make him out to be confusing and say he talked too much so he never got in his flow but in this one it all flowed and I just loved hearing your stories properly so it made sense cheers m'dear for everything big love to you all in JuicyLucyLand from WendyWorld xxxxxxxx
