The podcast on friday is one of the biggest journeys we went on its part of every journey we went on
We all see that our physical goes but our energy carrys on and so did the dinosaur energy it manifested itself into trees and plants, all birds are descendants of dinosaurs even down to a chicken
People talk about the lizard race which is a dinosaur just a smaller version thats why people see people with lizard eyes it's the remanifested dinosaur energy thats why weird shit is going on with adrenochrome etc
Not all dinosaurs were horrible tho, it's just there was a breed that was which contaminated the weave of the universe it hijacked our ancestors which were beautiful kind loving dragons and water dragons
That's why santa claus (claws 3 digits 3D) legal clauses claws again 3 digits 3D
You'll prob find our ancients used to have five digits 5D ....apparently aliens have 3 fingers 3 claws 3D xxxx

Hiy looking forward to Friday podcast 💖🌟✨xxx