I'm trying to get copies of all of the abracadabra podcasts so we can carry on sharing our adventures our journeys our knowledge etc .....and am hoping someone out there has downloaded them to their local computer.......does anybody have copies of number 4 and number 5 they could send us please ?? many thanks in advance

Lucy I sent you a link in FB messenger I'm Wendy Mazzola on there I'll be in your "randomers" folder or whatever its called.. Hope it is still there... xxxx
Aww so sorry to to say no and I'm gutted! I always thought the videos would be in my YouTube history? I had every intention of re-watching them all. It's only dawned on me today, whilst looking for them for you, that they were on the Mark Atwood, Meat Suit channel, which has been shut down. Not only that, my YouTube history only goes back 3 months. I wanted to listen to Juicy's voice again too,as you said to do so. I'll have to do it from memory. Does Zoom not keep a record of your Zoom meeting's somewhere? I believe it's owned by rhe CCP so they must do 😄❤✨🌟
Sorry Liz I didn’t download I Will visualise them turning up for you xx