Now we're realising that previous podcasts may have been a little confusing - is there any questions you'd like answering in the next podcast ....please comment your question below so others can see your questions, and we don't get repeats of the same question 💛💛💜💜✨✨

In my question above about your house. It was supposed to say "Portals" not bloody "Petals" 😂✨🌟💖xx
After reading the after Chat pdf, can I ask. Is it your house that has the petals and stuff. Or is it anywhere that YOU reside? If its the house, did you know of its activities (for want of a better word 😂) before you moved in? 🌟✨💖xxx
Hi I have another question that persists on an answer as it keeps going around in my head. If someone has a problem with their sight can they still think with their eyes and how do you think with your eyes? Opps that's 2 questions ✨🌟💖
Hi Lucy, so regarding questions. I have a few but I'll start with just the one for now 😂 Here goes..So now you 2 have completed all the tasks that you have. What does it now mean for rhe future of our earth? Will the tyranny that is happening across the globe, stop? What's going to happen? Thank you. And once again, congrats on a great podcast without big ego's getting in the way ✨🌟💖 xx