Hi everyone, we are the TangataWhenua Law Counsel, all people born here (Planet Earth), educating ourselves in Natural Law, aligning with the Resolution of One Accord. Learning together, we break free from the old system, creating heaven on earth 💚
We was discussing this in the uk law counsel meeting last night, its transpired that alot think cuz your stepping away from the system there may be repercussions if your on benefits or pension etc which we get
Juicy was explaining it to someone last night that 1st and foremost u've gotta take ur energy out of that system shut loosh sloosh down
Trying to put it into an every day perspective for all ages young and old
So their system we was all contracted into unknowingly has to be reversed and its v difficult mentally and physically when ur trapped inside the cage with the bear cuz we're prodding the bear from inside the cage it can bite u in the ass at any minute
So u have to step outside the cage and then u can prod the bear as much as u like cuz it cant get ya
Its a horrible word but we have to use it is contract, it's the only word they understand
So natural law which is causing no harm u have to contract urself back to urself which then puts u on the land and off their paper cuz u now have an agreement with urself and other like minded people around u and that is causing no harm, where inside the cage it's all about causing harm
U can write a contract to urself which will become ur full power of attorney on the land not on the paper fictitious ie not real not fact
If u wish to then register that with the law counsel which is u cuz were all equal share holders of the law counsel u can then record that in minuted records with the law counsel keeping ur own records cuz u have full power of attorney of ur administration on the land for the 1st time
There is not a contract that u've signed with the fictitious cage dwellers and they cant prove their claim
That's how u take ur energetic level back and as u learn how natural law works u can then prod the bear thru the law counsel which is u but also the advice u get from other members of the law counsel
Its self policing and it's all about looking after each other and causing no harm so it gives u security that people have ur back

If anyone wants to join any of the meetings the NZ meet on a tuesday at 9am uk time and then we have a UK meeting tues night at 8pm uk time Anyone from anywhere can join us for these meetings it doesnt matter where you are your welcome 💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙