Am still not convinced on nasties in chemtrails #saywhatusee lol
If the wrong uns were really going for it putting chemtrails everywhere with loadsa nasties in it why is the wildlife not affected - trees and plants and wildlife all same as usual, theres no burning on the leaves or fucked up growing of plants and trees theres no dead birds or wildlife everywhere it just doesnt add up compared to the story that's being spread everywhere...we'd see the effects if it were true cuz this narrative is saying their really going for it with chemtrails and spraying stuff to poison us all etc etc etc which wud be over everything the land plants grass rivers streams oceans animals etc etc
I know the weather has been different with flooding etc
Surely the trees/plants/rivers/fish/wildlife etc etc etc wud all be affected health wise and am just not seeing it .... I've joined some foraging groups for UK on fb and all the photos people share from all across the country all looks healthy beautiful plants no scorching no fucked up growing
Is this just more fictitious bollox fear porn narrative ....the plants and trees and animals are obvs not being fed the same narrative cuz they're not showing it
Let's face it we have been lied to so much havent we and am always very aware of the question of what are we manifesting to happen
Is this why they always have to tell us what they're doing so we manifest it once we believe it
Sorry am just outloud thinking my mind is churning today ⚙⚙⚙⚙⚙ lmfao 🤣🤣xxxx

Totally agree Lucy 💖🌟✨xxx