Fucking hell this is fucking funny.....just watching JC vid on using pendulum and chart right, so I haven't got a pendulum or a chart (v organised as usual) so all I've got is my old rave whistle on the original string i used to wear round my neck (don't really do jewellery anymore so haven't got a necklace) and I opened a chart on my iPad and asked 1 question
Is this rave whistle good enuf to be a pendulum
And it only fucking said NO lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣
How fucking funny is that lmfao literally tucked up with laughter 🤣🤣🤣
1stly wasnt expecting an answer 2ndly it was a fucking strong answer no way did I move it and 3rdly it used it as a pendulum whilst telling me it wasnt good enuf to be a pendulum
Have I just had an argument with my non pendulum lol or has it got an awesome sense of humour 🤣🤣🤣
And that also proves there is no No anymore and no means yes
We used up all the No's/negatives and it just proved that cuz it was a fucking strong No whilst meaning yes lmfao
I'm now known as the whistle blower lmfao had another little go of my whistle pendulum fuck me it works ....its kinda freaked me out a little lol ....I asked if it needed me to do anything it said no wrong I asked if it was a man or woman and it said universe and i said where am i from it said tomorrow 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that ties in with us walking into the future on our last little trip

That's a scream using your old whistle you whistle blower you!
Thank you "Lucy"! That was the best belly laugh I've had in awhile. Thank you so much for being who you are.🤠
Thank you, alixmacey! I thought as much! xxx
So sorry to plead ignorance but I'm trying to work out what Imfao means. I think it might mean in my opinion with a fucking somewhere but can someone please help me out 😐
By the way, love the humour! xxx