embrace the new fairy tales.....they tell the story and the way you embrace them is your eyes are your brain and the eyes are built of star drives and universes, they absorb the knowledge around us which is the new tree of life which then grows into the tree of knowledge and then that grows into the royal star family tree and they all come together as one that creates the universe around us opens the eyes to see and the brain is the universe with everything in it which the eyes then build around you ....the fake one was thinking the brain was the creation of everything and its not its fake xx✨✨⭐️⭐️🧡🧡💙💙

wow wow wow goosebumps to the max lol ......everything you have just described is exactly where we are, and you should be proud of yourself because of who you are......its the beautiful essence inside which is now being released xx
I had to read this about 11 times in a row, but I think I get it now. Nearly all of your recent posts here on this site, have made me recall, or connect to, different dreams that I have had. Except this one, this doesn't relate to any of my dreams, but it reminds me of something I've had in mind for a while and been thinking about today actually. I've been seeing so many synchronicities / connections between what I'm thinking and what you're writing. Last week you replied to my other comment saying I should feel better now. Well I'd just woken up a couple hours before, and I did feel better when I woke up…