This little chapter explains what we found on our journeys, and the other chapters explain who we met, how things work which we used to talk about on podcasts and it resonated with alot of people and thats why were sharing our experiences
Morning guys just a quickie 1 thing we learnt on our last couple of trips, when your building things or putting things together like domes and spheres and everything all to do with that you build them in parallels or boxes or permutations to hold them all together to get them all working and then when you've finished and you understand how it all works 100% you then remove all those boxes grids and structures freeing yourself and what you've built from the confines of what you've built so then it works because you know how it works not because its locked in permutations parallels etc then it's free to expand and work freely and then that shows the confidence of yourself and what you've built and then the universe shows you've learnt everything u need to learn and frees everything to expand and work freely otherwise by holding on to all these things your showing the universe your not ready yet with the confidence of what your doing and done everything that's in boxes permutations and confinement causes friction and also stops expansion and healing because it's not free and you are not free, yes these things are still there but you dont need them and that releases you and what youve built to expand which is confidence and healing, everything works because we know how it works and that is who we are xx

It’s amazing how life nearly always sends u back to where u don’t want to be, when Juicy was very young he used to have frequent visitations probably nearly every night of what he thought at the time was ghosts or spirits, now looking back he realises they weren’t, theyre just energy people, beings that have no physical matter
But when you’re a small child, 45ish years ago your classed as a nutter because there wasn’t the understanding that there is now, even now it carries some stigma in certain walks of life, there wasn’t the understanding or teachings or anything at that time, so it’s a scary place for a young kid to grow up within, especially considering those around him had no concept of this
But one thing he does remember right from an early age, that when he was asleep he’d be in a room full of animals, and he was always on the back of a bear and the room wud tip backwards and forwards and all the animals and everything wud slide from one side of the room to the other until in the end the room tipped and that’s when he used to wake up, cuz he felt like he was falling off the back of the bear, and as soon as he’d open his eyes there was always somebody standing there next to the bed or coming out of the walls and running across the room,
He remembers one time when he woke up, from his hips down to his feet, the energy version of him was separated from his physical that was still lying on the bed, but he cud feel his legs in the air, so is this what people call astral travel or out of body experience nowadays as there wasn’t a name for it back them, he was roughly about 5-6 years old (back in the early 70s) when he had this experience.
When you’re a kid you have no preconceived ideas of anything like that, whereas these days u cud of easily watched a film or series about it. Maybe this is why the film makers create these productions to hide the truth, make it sound like you’ve been watching too many films. But when Juicy was growing up there was nothing like that on the telly. There was no google there was no youtube, all there was was a phone on a phone table in the hallway as communication to the world and if u wanted to learn about something there was always the local library and that was it
So these visitations went on for years until the age of probably 12-13, he wud always have to sleep with the light on which helped distract them a bit as they cudn’t find him as easily
He was eventually introduced to a friend of the family who was a Medium that put some sort of protection ring around him which stopped the nasty ones getting to him, so even back in the day people were aware there was nasty things out there, and one of the most horrible visitations he had, was a cowboy about 4 and half foot tall, black hat all dressed in black silver gun and shiny noisy spurs, that was all he cud hear as he woke up was the clinking of the spurs, there was lots and lots of others visiting him but he just cant remember, the cowboy was the only one that was vivid
As he started to get older there was a group of well respected Mediums at the time that wanted to train him to go on the world stage as they did, and he weren’t having none of that, why wud you, when he’d been terrified of it his whole life, so as any kid wud probably do he shut it off and walked away from it, and then life takes over, but those memories are still there, at that particular time he never wanted to revisit that place ever again
But then like as weve mentioned in the 90s using ecstasy and the usual recreationals, nothing hard, just the fun stuff, it opened them channels up again, or the connections, and this time he realised it was something he had to deal with, get his head around, and learn what it was about otherwise it just chases you around forever
That’s why we started this with it’s amazing how life nearly always sends u back to where u don’t want to be, and that was then the start of all the experiences weve had
We thought we’d mention this to give some clarity on what we write about, it was something Juicy was born with, and wasn’t just an effect of the rave scene, but that did introduce him back to it all again, and that the energy guys that visited him as a kid are the energy guys Juicy introduced me to on our journeys which then gave me the appreciation as it scared me as an adult, at the beginning
One thing he is so pleased about, is that he is self taught, which gave a completely different unlimited mindset of how stuff works, there was no external formats put upon him, and this is probably why some people find our experiences a bit strange or are not quite ready for them because there is no format or label for them
That’s one thing were mindful of that present day people have been herded into a certain process, giving the impression there is a standard way of connecting to all this, which isn’t the case, that’s why we always mention that we don’t meditate never have, a lot of the work we do is in the physical reality were wide awake, the best way to explain it is,
Juicy works in the building trade and whilst experiencing a journey, he can get called out to a job, do the job perfectly whilst everything is still going on, and then come home and carry on, and no one else wud be the wiser,
He was having the same experiences as a kid, he cud see what was going on but people around him cudn’t, and how wud a 5 year old know what channelling is so it is a thing, and doesn’t need a process to do it ie meditating or eating certain foods, or sitting cross legged on a mountain lol
Weve all got this skill its just that he can remember it