Travelling the Stars
its time to go home
Introductory Chapter to our record/journal/investigation
This is a record of our experiences over the last 20 years, our work of fact that we experience which we'd like to share
there are many way of describing what weve experienced, as we don’t have a name for this, here are a few examples of how others describe of astral travel, astral projecting, remote viewing/astral communication connecting to alternate dimensions/parallels, journeying connecting the physical and energy realms, travellers of time and space, dimension shifting
Basically travellers thru energy and investigators of who we are, and where we are, and where we all come from, and how to get home, many different experiences some of which there is no name to describe putting the pieces of the puzzle of what is actually here into the right order like what was tartaria, where did all the beautiful buildings come from and analysing all different theories and why there is so much evidence for all, not just one theory
What ever you experience is because of this
The main conclusion that we have deciphered from all these journeys/experiences weve been on and witnessed is that this place was one big massive theme park with various destinations, various timelines, various life experiences/simulations, you cud live in castles, star forts, all sorts of different cultures, everything that u can see here basically, the giant trees, titan beings, or small people, it didn’t matter, the choice was yours, but there was no fighting, no wars, no negativity, that wasn’t part of any experience, all the negativity came at a later date, then these buildings were used for wars, protection, greed, power, monetary gains, tyranny but they were never originally designed that way, they was adapted, so something happened to the timelines/parallels


As far as we know there was 10 separate parallels/ground levels and each one had a different biosphere dome, and different experience within it
A virus got into the system collapsing all the parallels into one, here’s where we get the mishmash of different buildings, temples, pyramids, biblical trees, fairies, magic the lot! An absolute mess of all the time lines and domes all mashed into each other, this is why whatever rabbit hole you go down, you’ll find as much evidence as you want to back it up
When all these parallels were separate you cud come and go as you please, but now they are all mashed into one, weve lost our departure and arrival lounge, so the one time line weve all been sold to be correct cud easily be incorrect, is it another psyop
So to reconnect with our original dome, biosphere, storyline weve gotta open all the original ones back up which then wud put us all on our original walk in point and that would give us access back to the ship, as weve travelled here for the original holiday experience, and while were all locked on the one we aint going nowhere, imagine having a 10 storey building or 10 worlds clashed into 1 with no staircases or lift, or exit signs even lol, were stuck at ground zero, can’t get up and cant get out, what a mess
Mostly when we travel, were not meditating, it’s where the physical world we all live in becomes fluid with the energy world and beings, so basically you are seeing all the physical as well as all the space in between, you see all the energy in between A and B
What bought this to our attention was the rave scene in the 90s where by doing recreationals it opened the doors to the pathway to see everything in between A and B and so did thousands of others as well but either they chose to ignore it or it chose to ignore them, or because they ignored it, it moved on
And when you look into all different ancient and recent cultures, you’ll see they connect to spirit etc through the same way, living in this modern so called civilised society weve lost that connection, it’s not the right path for everybody but it defo was for us
Now moving forward to 2002 from the 90s this is wen Juicy and Lucy met (in this lifetime) that is when things started to progress, when we started to evolve with it, but it never activated like it did until we came together, so as the weekends passed by of still thinking we was 18-19 years old lol and still partying with our favourite recreationals and meeting some amazing people along the way, we realised an energy was trying to catch our attention and teach us, at that time Juicy was the antenna for it cuz some of the stuff he downloaded and spoke was another level, what we was learning had a massive impact on day to day life within the physical realm, things were changing, and you cud see the differences in between not knowing this knowledge and knowing it
We met hundreds of people along the way and this knowledge helped them too, and they wud even return at a later date to thank us, the more we was taught and used for the good, the more we was entrusted to learn more to present day
So the chapters we are going to write aren’t in any particular order, because weve tried for quite a few years now to get it into a book, but its just so random and doesn’t have an order, the experiences you’ll read about have got a lot of hidden context within them which is relevant to all different individuals depending on who you are and where you’ve come from as mentioned above, as we learnt we are a lot older than what u think, were all a lot more important than what u get told, we are travellers that travel thru the stars, were not meant to be full time ground dwellers
People talk about we live in a closed system and the only type of closed system there is, is a star ship, and from everything weve learned were not supposed to be trapped here
So if your interested in listening to our journeys they are different, they are thought provoking, but one thing they are is our truth and fact and we’d like to share that in the best way we can, and doing it this way is the only way we can share lol
If you want to learn about the energy guys weve met along the way, all the different energies which have their own personalities, its not just one, they’ve all got their own quirks and consciousness and naughtiness and likes and dislikes
We also go thru healing techniques weve been taught by the energies, and its how it works, the knowledge, not what you do, we call it permutating, you permutate something in and permutate something out
Because each chapter is gonna be so different, instead of having it in one book we thought by writing individual chapters and then you can download each chapter for a small cost of a cup of coffee each, everyone can choose which chapter they wanna read at their leisure, this also protects the book from publishers, contracts, the corporate machine, censorship etc etc one thing u will notice is we do not write within the construct of grammar punctuation etc we don’t talk like that so why shud we write like it, it helps the flow of information
All these chapters are pieces of the puzzle when we didn’t have the full picture, so its like doing a jigsaw puzzle with no picture to go from
#TravellingTheStars #ItsTimeToGoHome